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Pillows & Blankets

I'm a social geography student from Paris, and a contributor for a new blog dedicated to pop culture & intersectional feminism called Critical Writ. I'm particularly interested in lesbian fiction of every genre.


I have a preference for romance & Fantasy/sci-fi, and will pay a lot of attention to gender roles, healthy/unhealthy relationships and consent in stories I read.


Goodreads Account



A.C. Quinn
June 2016
reviewed: The Big Reveal
Full review on Criticalwrit.com The Open Window, another book by Eve Francis, was such a good read that I jumped on the occ...
The Big Reveal - Eve Francis
June 2016
finished reading:
June 2016
reviewed: The Scorpion's Empress
I understand this is the author's debut novel, and it shows. I feel it would be dishonest to rate this book any lower, simply...
The Scorpion's Empress - Yoshiyuki Ly
reviewed: The Beast That Never Was
Review written & published on www.criticalwrit.comA fantasy F/F romance that is heavily inspired by The Beauty and the Beast,...
The Beast That Never Was - Caren J. Werlinger
finished reading:
finished reading:
June 2016
finished reading:
June 2016
reviewed: An Accident of Stars
Try as I might, I just couldn't connect with this book— Something that is likely due to the fact that I'm pretty far removed ...
An Accident of Stars - Foz Meadows
June 2016
reviewed: The Open Window
Review written & published on Criticalwrit.comIt’s no use fighting against it, I knew I was going to read this book the momen...
The Open Window - Eve Francis
finished reading:
June 2016
reviewed: Iron Goddess: A Shea Stevens Thriller
Wow, what a ride from start to finish. Now, I’ll be honest : this is simply not the kind of book I like, or even stand readin...
Iron Goddess: A Shea Stevens Thriller - Dharma Kelleher
reviewed: Dreamsnare
Review written & published on www.criticalwrit.comI don't often read stories shorter than a full-length novel. If you follow ...
Dreamsnare - Althea Claire Duffy
finished reading:
June 2016
reviewed: Love's Redemption
Review written & published on www.criticalwrit.comTrigger warnings for off-page child abuse & pedophilia, lesbophobia, victim...
Love's Redemption - Donna K. Ford
June 2016
reviewed: Shaken to the Core
Written & Published on www.criticalwrit.comWow, have I been waiting for that one! Shaken to the Core actually started as a sm...
Shaken to the Core - Jae
finished reading:
June 2016
reviewed: Something in the Wine
While Jae always writes enjoyable romances, I felt this one was a bit wasted on a somewhat silly and contrived plot— and fran...
Something in the Wine - Jae
June 2016
reviewed: Glove of Satin, Glove of Bone
Review written & published for Criticalwrit.comI have to admit it, I really like witches. There’s something that I really enj...
Glove of Satin, Glove of Bone - Rachel White
finished reading:
June 2016
finished reading:
May 2016
reviewed: At the Water's Edge
Trigger warning for depression and suicideReview written & published for Criticalwrit.comWhile At The Water’s Edge is one of ...
At the Water's Edge - Harper Bliss
May 2016
reviewed: The Devil You Know
Wow, what a disappointing sequel. All my fears from the first book came true : none of the plot holes from the first book are...
The Devil You Know - Marie Castle
finished reading:
May 2016
reviewed: Molly: House on Fire
Review written & published on Criticalwrit.comThere's something to be said about the expression “Don’t judge a book by its c...
Molly: House on Fire - R.E. Bradshaw
May 2016
reviewed: Blindsided
A good, touching romance, but a hard one to get into as I felt the book tells too much and doesn't show enough. The beginning...
Blindsided - Karis  Walsh
reviewed: Zero Visibility
A good romance, not much to say about it, it's good all around. A note though : keeping something important a secret while kn...
Zero Visibility - Georgia Beers
reviewed: Armchair Detective
I was wary of the way Jobeth was described at first— a sort of macho lesbian who touts NRA rhetoric, likes ridiculously consp...
Armchair Detective - Kelli Jae Baeli
reviewed: Love Spell
Great little read, a cute feel-good romance featuring cats and green haired beauties.
Love Spell - Karen Williams
finished reading: